Machia Bio Park, Jodhpur

The vision of the Machia Biological Park is to create an opportunity for
the citizens of Jodhpur to have a biological park very close to the city in Machia
Forest Block of 604 ha. near Kayalana lake. Jodhpur is having a tradition of very
good in-situ conservation. The vision is to create one of the best example of ex-situ
conservation and at the same time the best tourist spot of Jodhpur. Machia Biological
Park will also create the awareness on the importance of conservation of flora and
fauna for the benefit of the future generation in addition to the conservation of
gene pool of the endangered species of wild animals of the region.

Machia Biological Park was conceptualized in the year 1982-83. It is located 8 kms away from Jodhpur
railway station on the western side of Jodhpur. This park is basically the satellite
zoo of old heritage zoo of Jodhpur. Machia Biological Park has an area of 41 ha.
out of 604 ha area of Machia Forest Block. Legal status of Machia forest block is
Protected Forest notified vide notification no. II9(6) forest/90 dated 01-07-1990
under the Rajasthan Forest Act 1953.
- To educate and sensitize the visitors by displaying the wild animals.
- To develop the empathy towards wild animals among the people.
- To offer an excellent opportunity to the people to be in nature with animals.
- To provide recreational activities through interpretation centre.
- To serve as gene pool for future biological research on wild animals and to facilitates
education studies on behaviour and breeding of different animals.
- To create conditions for captive conservation and breeding of endangered species
of wild animals.
Topography :
The area is mainly rocky composed of Rhyolite having undulating
ground, numerous man made water bodies like Kaylana lake, Takhatsagar lake, Akheraj
lake etc. This area has low soil quantity & if soil is present it has low soil depth.
Vegetation :
The natural vegetation in Machia Biological Park is dry scrub
forest consisting of scanty tree cover of species like Acacia senegal, Prosopis
cineraria,Prosopis juliflora, Capparis decidua, Zizyphus nimmularia, Commiphora
wightii etc. This zone receives low rainfall as a result of that scarce vegetation
is the peculiar feature of this area.
Enclosures in Machia Biological Park :
Machia Biological Park will have 20
enclosures of wild animals specially found in this region. These wild animals are
listed as follows-
Three big cats namely Tiger, Lion and common Leopard. Three herbivores are Cheetal,
Chinkara and Black-buck. Crocodile, Gharial, Spiny tailed Lizard, Monitor Lizard
belong to Reptilian order. Other mammal species are Jackal, Striped hyena, Indian
Fox, Desert Fox, Jungle Cat, Desert Cat,Hedgehog, Porcupine, Sloth Bear and Indian
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